When we feel anxious we are often in a state of mind where we overestimate danger and underestimate our resources. Please make use of these recommendations as a source of support and encouragement for wherever you are in your journey.
Suggested Resources
Feeling resourced is crucial to our well-being.
Recommended Videos
The power of vulnerability
Dr. Brene Brown
How to make stress your friend
Dr. Kelly McGonicle
The power of Mindfulness
Dr. Shauna Shapiro
Why mindfulness is a superpower
Dan Harris
Why we lose control of our emotions
The Flip Your Lid hand model
Dr. Dan Siegel
Three Little Things
Jason Mraz
Your body language may shape who you are
Amy Cuddy
Self-Compassion Meditation
Dr. Kristin Neff
How mindfulness changes the brain
Dr. Richard Davidson
Christianity and Unknowing
Fr. Richard Rohr
Hardwiring Happiness
Dr. Rick Hanson
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