How are you?
But really…how are you?
When was the last time you honestly answered that question?
In our work together, my job is to hold the space for the real you; to create opportunities for you to uncover who you are and investigate what you want to keep and what you want to change while encouraging you to learn and grow with effort. The purpose of my work with you is to help you live a skillful, wholehearted life with intention. This shared space is a place for you to discover who you are behind the mask of “having it all together” – the you under the stress of your wonderfully full life.
And it is a wonderfully full life. I approach mental health from a positive and resilient- based perspective that’s grounded in science, hope and realistic thinking. Suffering is a part of life…and so is joy. We will explore what is difficult by leaning in to vulnerability so you can build emotional agility to help you climb to higher ground, because sometimes “the only way out is through”. We will also explore what is good by building upon your strengths so that you can be your best possible self when life is going well. My goal is to help you learn and grow from the hard and good things so that you can flourish; where you cultivate insight, awareness, purpose, connection, and embody a healthy/integrated self – we do that by shining a light of focused attention on what is helpful, healing and real (not in a Polyanna BS way, in a science of well-being way) along with honoring what is difficult.
Working with me is kind of like going to the gym – a gym for your (embodied) brain and the whole you. It’s hard work, but it pays off. I work towards helping you discover and strengthen your inner resources of resilience so that you feel capable to handle challenges when they arise. Equally important, when you build resilience you also begin the practice of challenging the brain’s evolutionary negativity bias and learning to tune into what is going well (within you and around you) – this is essential to well-being and often a profound life changing experience.